Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hootenanny 2010

Once a year, we have a hootenanny potluck where all my students, friends, and fellow musicians come together to play music, dance, share food, watch the kids scramble around on the rocks near the pond, and generally have a great time.

Several of my students attended and played in a traditional session. I was really proud of all of them.




I didn't get a picture of the food this year, nor did I get to eat very much of it due to all my flitting about. This is a real pity because these folks can cook.

The kids had a great time running around together and playing.




I think even the ducks enjoyed the music, don't you? Isn't the one on the left there tapping his little webbed foot?

Friendly fowl

I took a terribly shaky and low quality video of some excellent and high quality music and dancing. It's a lot of work putting the hootenanny together but these twenty four seconds will show you what made it all worthwhile.

1 comment:

Ghrá said...

Fantastic Tara! Great stuff! Thanks so much for having the Hootenanny! xo,-T.